Years ago, we rode a local route to train a bit for longer tours. It was a 30 km loop with about 300 m climbing. At the time, we figured that was enough for our untrained, unfit bodies. Today’s route, 76 km and 780 m of hills felt the same as those past training rides, but we made it and survived rather tired but alright. It seems we are improving.
The heat today was brutal. At times the Wahoo showed 41C and there was no wind, only on the downhills we had some relief. Of course, the downhills require an uphill, so it’s a wash at best.
The route, unfortunately, was unremarkable, perhaps except for the farmers who were harvesting crops around nearly every turn. Kudos to the farmer, for it’s a thankless job that keeps everyone alive. Chapeau!
The route looked like the tooth profile of a Werewolf, with many knife-like hills and a few more like fangs. Who picked this route, anyhow?